I don’t live in the past—I only visit—and so can you!

Archive for September, 2020


The Englisc calendar had twelve months and the year started with the winter solstice. This festival was known as Geola from which we get the modern word Yule. The summer solstice was known as Litha whose meaning is unclear.

January–Æfterra Geola (After Yule)

February–Solmonad (Sun Month)

March–Hrethmonad (Named after the divinity Hrepe)

April–Eastermonad (Named after the divinity Eostre)

May–Drimilcemonad (Cow Milking Month when cows were milked three times daily)

June– Ærra Litha (Before Litha)

July– Æfterra Litha (after Litha)

August–Weodmonad (Weed month)

September–Haligmonad (Holy month)

October–Winterfylled (Winter month)

November–Blotmonad (Slaughter month, when animals who could not survive the winter would be slaughtered)

December–Ærra Geola (Before Yule)